Declare it. Then Act Like It

Welcome to the Big 3!

As 2025 continues its course, not waiting for us to get ready, I thought it important to share one thing that has helped me achieve daring goals over the last decade.

What started as a fluke when I launched my independent fashion journalist career a decade ago, became a framework I return to whenever new mountains to climb arise.

The framework:

  1. Declare the goal

  2. Immerse yourself in the goal

  3. Attain the goal

See why this simple (not easy) framework works and how it can help you get closer to your next BIG thing. 

Declare Your Dream In the Present 

Speak and act as if it was already done.

When I decided to become an independent fashion journalist a decade ago, I did not overthink it. I said it was so and went for it. Why? Maybe I was naive, but it worked. 

Once I had declared it, I printed business cards with "Independent Fashion Journalist" on them despite having no formal experience or existing connections within the industry, then started to stop and interview the rare stylish people I'd crossed in the streets of Ottawa for my humble blogzine. 

To have a business card with a title printed on it was a catalyst that helped solidify my belief. The idea was no longer in my head. It was real. I could see it, touch it and be it. Has something similar ever happened to you?

Going from idea to action quickly is a powerful move that gives you momentum. 

Declare your intentions and act as if it was already done. You'll be surprised what can come from it.

Now, move on to step 2.

Immerse Yourself In Your Dream Life

Surround yourself with it and take massive action.

Once I declared my intention, I didn't stop there. 

I actively immersed myself in the fashion journalism world– reaching out to TV shows, attending events, building my network, interviewing public personalities, publishing hundreds of articles and studying the craft nonstop – I embodied the role and soon started to see results.

Just as children wholeheartedly embrace their imaginary roles, we as adults can, and should unlock our potential by declaring our dreams and actively living them. The move is yours to make.

Now, don't stop here. Keep going. 

Attain It and Reap the Sweet Rewards

It will feel surreal at first but pinch yourself, you did it.

I couldn't believe it when I won the Best Fashion Platform on X (Twitter) and Best Social Media Strategist Awards. However, looking back at the work I had put in over the years preceding the awards, it all made sense.

Your dream goal is waiting for you to claim it. Immerse yourself in it and reap the rewards.

Declare it. Act on it. Enjoy the journey.

Thank you for reading.

Noëlly Sam

Writer, Talent Manager, Speaker

Say NO to Open Better Doors 🚪


Go for It Anyway!