Say NO to Open Better Doors 🚪

Welcome To The Big 3!

This is week 42! Yes, I count them and keep track as I aim to reach 100, without breaking the habit (send help and prayers!!).

Now, let's get to this week's big 3. Are you ready to close doors that no longer serve you? To say NO to good things, in hopes of accessing your innate potential?

Read on.

The Lesson. 

Every open door is not meant to be walked through 

I've learned that saying NO to good things often unlocks better opportunities.

Sometimes when facing dilemmas and difficult choices, the answer to getting unstuck is to know what you will no longer do, accept or get involved in. This means having the courage to say NO.

However, saying NO is hard when part of you still wants to play. That's where the real challenge is.

I experienced it recently when a great opportunity knocked at my door. It felt right, it checked most of the boxes, yet part of me knew not to get involved. It was hard, but I declined.

As I become more mindful of where to invest my time, energy and resources, if is not a resounding Yes, then it's a NAH.

Note to self and you: “Sometimes knowing what you don’t want is as valuable as knowing what you do.” - Oprah Winfrey

The Book.

Defy, by Dr Sunita Sah

This new book is timely for those of us interested in exploring the power of No this year.

Taking us through her five stages of defiance, Dr. Sah equips readers with simple tools to make decisions that align with their values. Defy is the essential playbook for how to speak up and act when it matters most."

If you end up getting this title, please share your takeaways. I'd love to know

The Challenge

Time To Access Your Zone of Genius

I learned about the Zone of Genius concept a few years ago, in Gay Hendricks's book, The Big Leap

Hendricks identified four zones:

1. The zone of incompetence 
2. The zone of competence
3. The zone of excellence 
4. The zone of genius

According to Hendricks, most successful people operate in their zone of excellence, doing things they are highly skilled in. However, it often turns out unsatisfying, because it does not engage their innate genius.

If you're up for the challenge and are curious about what your zone of genius might be, consider the following questions (from The Big Leap):

  • "What work do you do that doesn't seem like work?"

  • "In your work, what produces the highest ratio of abundance and satisfaction to the amount of time spent?"

  • "What is your unique ability?"

Answering these will help you determine your zone of genius. Maybe it will be a revelation, or perhaps, it will be a confirmation, something you already knew to be true. 

If you take the challenge and are comfortable sharing, email me your zone of genius.

Ultimately, I want us to make the most of our time here, to live life in a meaningful way, and to have an impact. I hope this edition helped you, even in the smallest way.

Thank you for reading.

Noëlly Sam

Writer, Talent Manager, Speaker

Practice Makes Perfect If You Start


Declare it. Then Act Like It