Find Your Power Players

Happy Big 3 Wednesday!

We're already in the 5th month of 2024, that’s quite surreal! But then again, time waits for no one, so let's get right to it.

Here are 1 lesson, 1 book and 1 strategy worth studying this week.

1 Lesson 💡

There's magic in finding the right collaborators.

I once was a lone wolf, stockpiling ideas and guarding projects like secrets. It felt safer that way.

But when I welcomed interns to my then-fashion blog, Miss SLY!. We began to grow together.

The same incredible thing happened with "Fashion Unfold," the award-winning debate series on [Twitter]. It wasn't just my creation – but a vibrant exchange of ideas with fashion designers, journalists, bloggers, and PR specialists – a true meeting of the minds! Together, we turned it into a top trending phenomenon.

Now, I embrace collaboration to elevate every project. Just like this newsletter's name, The Big 3, is a brilliant suggestion from one of you (thanks, Candice!). Find your power players.

1 Book 📕 

Who Not How by Dan Sullivan with Dr. Benjamin Hardy

Whether you want to build a successful business, free up your time to focus on things that matter to you, build teams to support your vision, or expand your capacity for more, Who Not How's framework is worth studying. Here are some of my favourite quotes:

  • Instead of asking 'how can I do this?', ask 'who can help me do this?

  • By freeing up your time, you get the invaluable benefit of freeing up your mind. 

  • 'Results, not effort is the name of the game. You are rewarded in life by the results you produce, not the effort and time you put in.

1 Strategy 🎯

Crush Your To-Do List With The Power of 3

What if aiming for less could actually help us all achieve more?

Here's a productivity hack I've embraced, and it's as simple as it is powerful: The Big Three. 

Each morning, identify the 3 most critical tasks you absolutely MUST complete that day. Write them down – it helps with focus.

The end of your day becomes a time to reflect. Did you conquer all three? If not, identify roadblocks and adjust for tomorrow.

It's not about doing everything, it's about doing the right things. You will be amazed at how much you can achieve in a week, month, or year. Give the Big Three a try!

Until next week,

Be Consistent.

Noëlly Sam

Writer, Talent Manager, Speaker

No Networking, No FOMO


Start With No Then Thrive.