Succeed On Your Own Terms
Happy Big 3 Wednesday!
Spring has finally sprung here in Montreal and I am grateful to have you here. Speaking of, tell me where you’re reading from, I'd love to know.
Here are 1 lesson, 1 book and 1 strategy worth studying this week.
1 Lesson 💡
From Hustle to Flow: Embracing the Long Game
Reflecting on my last decade of self-employment, I see myself caught up in the thrall of "hustle culture." Long nights were a badge of honor, content an endless treadmill, and networking an exhausting game of chasing connections. I even vividly recall battling through a throng of hyped-up entrepreneurs at a Montreal event, to snag a selfie and a chat with Gary Vaynerchuk. It was thrilling, sure, but fleeting.
With Gary Vee at the Influence MTL Conference - 2017
Fast forward to today, and I've discovered a far more rewarding and sustainable approach: flowing at my own pace. It's about cherishing the journey, not just the destination. Great things take time, and chasing constant excitement burns out quickly. Now, I savor the quiet moments as much as the wins, understanding that steady progress builds lasting success. Let it compound, baby.
1 Book 📕
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
This book, subtitled "Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level," introduced me to two fascinating concepts: the zone of genius and the upper-limit problem.
The idea that we all have a zone where our talents and abilities truly shine – a zone of genius – was completely new and eye-opening. I found the upper-limit concept equally compelling. It highlights how we often operate below our potential due to self-imposed limitations.
Overall, this book offers valuable insights that can benefit anyone. Here are two key passages:
In the Zone of Genius, your ego is unnecessary; living there is its own reward. In the Zone of Genius, you cease to care about recognition or ostracism.
The very same mechanisms that produce excitement also produce fear, and any fear can be transformed into excitement by breathing fully with it.
1 Strategy 🎯
Reverse Engineering: Start with the End in Mind
"Without a vision, the people perish." Proverb 29:18. The most effective goals-setting strategy for me so far is starting with the end in mind. Here's how it goes:
Define your project's ideal outcome first. Imagine what the "win" looks like based on your knowledge.
Then, reverse engineer your roadmap. Work backwards, outlining the steps needed from completion to now.
For example, for this newsletter, "The Big 3," I imagine reaching the 50th edition. What content will it feature? What knowledge will my audience gain? Next, I plan backwards: schedule content creation, set deadlines, and pick captivating topics. This strategy helps me create a clear path. And before you know it, you will have a solid action plan. You should try it!
Thank you for reading.
Until next week,
Be Consistent.