Decide How Big You Will Be🥇
Happy Big 3 Wednesday!
Welcome to the second half of 2024! Summer is finally here. I plan to rest, play, create and repeat. What about you?
Here are 1 lesson, 1 book and 1 strategy to consider this week.
1 Lesson 💡
Have Definiteness of Purpose
I've always been fascinated by ultra-successful individuals. Studying some of the GOATs of our time, I found a common element: Definiteness of purpose.
"A definite purpose is something that you must create for yourself. No one else will create it for you, and it will not create itself."
To illustrate this, I had decided to become an independent fashion journalist - without prior training or connections, long before successfully covering fashion weeks and winning awards. Fashion Blogging was my definite purpose a decade ago. Today, I am reminded to define a new one.
Have definiteness of purpose, my friends. You’d be surprised how much you can achieve when you do.
Shout out to Michael Jordan, Rafael Nadal and Serena Williams, some of my all-time favourite ultra-successful individuals. I respect their game, focus and relentlessness.
1 Book 📕
The Pursuit of Happyness by Chris Gardner
In the motion picture adaptation, Will Smith played Chris Gardner. The movie was inspiring and touching, yet, so much of the book's remarkable story of willpower and grit was left out. Grab it this summer, you won't regret reading it.
Three inspiring passages from the book:
“As long as I kept my mental focus on destinations that were ahead, destinations that I had the audacity to dream might hold a red Ferrari of my own, I protected myself from despair.”
“Walk that walk and go forward all the time. Don’t just talk that talk, walk it and go forward. Also, the walk didn’t have to be long strides; baby steps counted too. Go forward.”
“Nobody could prevent me from acting as if my problems were all in the process of being solved. Pretty soon, my acting 'as if' was so convincing that I started to believe it myself.”
A Definite Chief Aim is a clear and specific goal you set for yourself, with a plan to achieve it. It has been the cornerstone of my creative and entrepreneurial success. I hope it helps you just as much.
To create your definite chief aim, follow these 5 steps below:
Determine exactly what you desire.
Establish a date by which you want to acquire or achieve this.
Determine what you are willing to give in return.
Make a definite plan that will help you realize this.
Write the results of the above four steps in a concise statement.
Don't limit yourself. Have fun with it!
Thank you for reading.
Until next week,
Be Consistent.