Focus on What You Do Best

Happy Big 3 Wednesday!

Here are 1 lesson, 1 book and 1 strategy to consider this week. 


1 Lesson 💡

My Big Laundry Liberation

After years of laundry piles and lost weekends, my partner and I said "enough is enough!" We discovered the joy of drop-off and fold services, because let's be real: laundry steals precious time (and sanity!).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not laundry-phobic. Folding a basket occasionally is fine. But I didn't want that as a daily chore. Instead, I crave time for my girls, my business, and simply enjoying life.

I learned that thriving comes from focusing on what we do best. Laundry was never my strength, so now I can put my energy toward things that matter most.

What's one chore you could delegate to free up your time and mental space?

1 Book 📕 

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

This book, a gift from a dear friend nearly a decade ago, became a cornerstone of my fashion blogging journey. Its insightful passages (like some I share here) continue to inspire me:

  • Every setback offers an equivalent benefit if you take the time to search for it.

  • You must know your life's aim and then manifest this vision into reality by consistent action

  • Focus only on your priorities, those activities that are truly meaningful. Your life will be uncluttered, rewarding and exceptionally peaceful.

1 Strategy 🎯

Talk it Out: Voice Note Journaling 

Whether you're feeling overwhelmed after a busy day or stuck in your head, voice notes offer a powerful and quick journaling method!

  1. Grab your phone: Open your voice recorder app.

  2. Set a timer for 3 minutes: This keeps you focused and prevents rambling.

  3. Talk freely! Reflect on your day. What went well? What could be better? What's on your mind?

  4. Save and revisit: Label your recording with the date (e.g., "June 19 Reflection"). Later, listen back for insights or inspiration. I find it quite therapeutic.

Bonus: Feeling stressed? Use your voice note to record positive affirmations or a gratitude list.

Let me know if you try it.

Thank you for reading!

Until next week,

Be Consistent.


Befriend Your Failures To Win


Be Your Inner Hype Person