Focus on What You Do Best
Happy Big 3 Wednesday!
Here are 1 lesson, 1 book and 1 strategy to consider this week.
1 Lesson 💡
My Big Laundry Liberation
After years of laundry piles and lost weekends, my partner and I said "enough is enough!" We discovered the joy of drop-off and fold services, because let's be real: laundry steals precious time (and sanity!).
Don't get me wrong, I'm not laundry-phobic. Folding a basket occasionally is fine. But I didn't want that as a daily chore. Instead, I crave time for my girls, my business, and simply enjoying life.
I learned that thriving comes from focusing on what we do best. Laundry was never my strength, so now I can put my energy toward things that matter most.
What's one chore you could delegate to free up your time and mental space?
1 Book 📕
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
This book, a gift from a dear friend nearly a decade ago, became a cornerstone of my fashion blogging journey. Its insightful passages (like some I share here) continue to inspire me:
Every setback offers an equivalent benefit if you take the time to search for it.
You must know your life's aim and then manifest this vision into reality by consistent action
Focus only on your priorities, those activities that are truly meaningful. Your life will be uncluttered, rewarding and exceptionally peaceful.
1 Strategy 🎯
Talk it Out: Voice Note Journaling
Whether you're feeling overwhelmed after a busy day or stuck in your head, voice notes offer a powerful and quick journaling method!
Grab your phone: Open your voice recorder app.
Set a timer for 3 minutes: This keeps you focused and prevents rambling.
Talk freely! Reflect on your day. What went well? What could be better? What's on your mind?
Save and revisit: Label your recording with the date (e.g., "June 19 Reflection"). Later, listen back for insights or inspiration. I find it quite therapeutic.
Bonus: Feeling stressed? Use your voice note to record positive affirmations or a gratitude list.
Let me know if you try it.
Thank you for reading!
Until next week,
Be Consistent.