Reclaim Your Time ⏰

Welcome To The Big 3!

When courage leads the way, winning is a sure path.

In today's edition I talk about:

  1. The method I've been using to reclaim my time and make the most of my days.

  2. Lydia Fenet, a powerful woman who commands attention - on stage and in any room - and raises millions for charitable causes.

  3. The power of recording voice memos to get unstuck, brainstorm and even unlock untapped potential.

Let's dive in.

The Lesson. 

Reclaiming Your Time: Achieve more of what matters to you with clear intention

Do you ever reach the end of the day and feel like it just…vanished? You were busy, but the hours blur. It’s frustrating. I used to feel this way until I discovered time blocking or road mapping.

I once heard Steve Harvey talk about how he handles his days and I was impressed. Think of time blocking as a personalized blueprint for your day.

Before the whirlwind, I clarify my top priorities and goals. Then, I map out my day, hour by hour - preferably on paper. I note what needs to happen within each time block, estimating task durations, and – crucially – building in buffer time. 

I wasn’t always this structured, obviously. I used to be more reactive. But I knew something needed to change. 

This has been a game-changer. It’s more than time management for me; it’s about reclaiming my time. It’s helped me escape reactive busyness, allowing me to focus on what matters. I'm no longer squandering hours; I'm actively shaping my day and achieving more. The feeling of accomplishment at the end of a well-planned day? Invaluable.

Lesson: If you’re done feeling like your days are slipping away, try time blocking. Start small, with daily plans, and gradually expand to weeks, and then months, as you gain confidence. You will achieve more of what matters to you with clear intention.

The Book.

The Most Powerful Woman In The Room Is You, by Lydia Fenet, World's leading charity auctioneer, speaker, author, podcaster 

If you're into audiobooks, I highly suggest listening to this one. Lydia is eloquent, sharp and funny. Plus, her delivery his honest, engaging and captivating. I think you will enjoy it. I got so much from it, that I am also getting a physical copy. Duh!

"The Most Powerful Woman In The Room Is You, will show you how to take your career to the next level, whether it’s overcoming your fear of asking for something or bridging a wage gap. Lydia has been there and come back more powerful than ever. Inspiring and encouraging, Lydia’s hard-won advice will help you walk into any room with the confidence of a leader and motivate others to find their voice as well. Get ready to embrace your natural strengths, map your career, and take ownership of your life."


The Challenge

The Next Time You Feel Stuck, Do this

Another straight forward challenge: Record yourself talking, next time you face a dillema, feel stuck, or need new ideas, voice record yourself.

It may feel weird at first, but do your best to get passed the awkwardness. My trick is to do it while walking. To the onlookers - if you're worried about that - it will be just another person on a phone call. 

I've been doing this for many years now, as a form of live journaling. It is therapeutic, enlightening and eye-opening.

There is power in speaking things out loud, and getting out of our own heads. Try it out and you may be surprised by what you uncover, resolve or let go.

Thank you for being here.

Noëlly Sam

Writer, Talent Manager, Speaker

Seize The Momentum