Your Natural Talent Holds The Key 🔑

Welcome To The Big 3!

This week's edition makes it to your inbox on a Thursday, exceptionally, because when life gets in the way, you don't quit, you adjust. :) 

In this edition, you will (re) discover why leaning in on your talent is important, the book that recently stopped me in my tracks, and how your natural talent can unlock new doors for you.

Read on.

The Lesson. 

Your Natural Talent Isn’t Enough (Until You Do This)

Ever notice how we often undervalue the things that come naturally to us? If it's easy, it can't be that important, right? But what if the opposite was true? What if our natural talents were the key to unlocking our greatest opportunities?

I thought this way and have kept my natural talent on the bench until something clicked.

My Talent: I have always been one of, if not, the best salesperson in every company I ever joined, and only a few people know that. Now, I am not talking about the sleazy kind that makes you uncomfortable, but rather the conversational one who makes you see the value of something you might have missed. 

I landed in sales while working through university, in telemarketing and customer service. I was a natural and quickly rose to sales coach and training manager status. It was so effortless that like many of us, I ignored it, yes, I know. * insert facepalm *.

The Myth: Things have to be hard to be worthwhile. Wrong! 

When I started my entrepreneurial journey, sales weren't my focus. Writing/Storytelling was. But looking back, everything I achieved – from getting my work seen to connecting with the right people – was thanks to my ability to sell and persuade. It took me a long time to realize that sales needed to be central to any business I'd launch.

So, here's my biggest lesson: Whatever comes naturally to you, whatever you're effortlessly good at, might have the potential to help others and make you profitable. Find that sweet spot, then go all in. See my simple framework in today's challenge at the end.

The Book.

The 6% Club, by Michelle Rosen, PhD 

A timely read, as we've just entered February.

In a recent research study, Dr. Michelle Rozen surveyed 1,000 people who all pledged to make a change in their lives. The statistics were alarming, 94% of those people who pledged to change - work out more, eat healthier, save more money etc...- dropped whatever they've pledged for... only a month later!

From that research, The 6% Club book emerged. Dr. Michelle teaches readers how to create and stick to new positive habits. 

The book is eye-opening and an invitation to rethink how we set goals. Here's the goal-setting framework Dr. Michelle offers:

- Be super specific. Get granular with what you decide to change. Any minor vagueness is leeway for your brain to pull you back to your old ways. 

- Scale it 0-10. Decide on a scale of 0-10 how important this goal is for you in your life right now. Zero means you don't care about it at all and you don't even know why you're focusing on it. Ten means you're super passionate about this, and it is a top priority for you right now.

- Pick three specific things to do differently. Now, get specific and granular in your planning and specify three things that you are going to do differently in the next 30 days to make sure that it happens. 

This approach leaves little to no chance for our brain to weasel out and pull us back into our old ways. Give it a try!

The Challenge

Lean In Your Natural Talent

If you've been contemplating making a change, craving new experiences, or adding more flow into your life, it may be time to rediscover your natural. 

Here is a simple framework:

  1. Recognize your natural talents: What are you naturally good at without even trying?

  2. Explore lucrative opportunities: How can you use those talents to be of service and help others?

  3. Lean in and build: If you choose to go for it, turn your natural abilities into a win-win, something profitable.

Remember, recognizing your talent is just the beginning. Practice, learn, and grow. You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish.

For me, 2025 is all about being courageous and embracing my sales era. Something is cooking. Stay tuned!

Thank you for being here.

Noëlly Sam

Writer, Talent Manager, Speaker

Seize The Momentum


Practice Makes Perfect If You Start